Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I am so tired,this sleep routine is going up and down,having a good day then a bad day,I am over it!!!! I am so tired and annoyed and upset,I JUST want sleep dammit!!!!!!!!

Why is it hard for a child to go to bed,go to sleep and stay there???? If I had a chance I would bloody sleep!!! arrghhhhhhh

Here is a pic of Luke and I last week,he turned 2 and we had a couple of parties for him! Can't believe he is a big boy now!!! He also did two wees on the potty too,so proud!!!!!!!!

Anyway will be back later,have to change my blog url on EB now!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah.......Cute pic....

Hope the sleep thing sorts it's self out soon....

My DS was easy to get to sleep.....just wouldn't stay that way!


To my blog,hope you enjoy reading it!!

Please leave a comment so I know you have been here :P

Sarah x
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About Me

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Perth, Westen Australia, Australia
I am a Single Mummy to one boy Luke,who is nearly 3.I live in sunny Perth,love it here!~