Tuesday, July 10, 2007

So grown up

Yay I figured how to insert a title,blogger is currently having probs when you insert a title,to do it go here to figure it out

Have to share a pic of my handsome boy I took today when he was at my friends place to play with his little girlfriend Abbey :P

Luke and I had a lie in the bed this morning because it was so freezing here this morning and he grabbed my mobile ( I had it keylocked hehe ) and he kept pressing the button on the side of phone and taking pictures of himself and saying "Cheese" and cracking up ,it was sooooo funny,he then puts the phone infront of my face and says "Cheese Mummy " rofl so cute ,I checked the pictures just after that and most of them were of the bed head pmsl bless him hahaha
Luke is at childcare tommorow so I might go and see "Knocked Up" it is supposed to be really funny and I love comedies :)
Will try and get some more scrapping done this week hopefully!!
For those who read my blog,please leave a comment and say hi I like to know who reads it :P
Sars xx

oh and I might be working at the Perth Craft Fair next month for a shop here in Perth "Scrapping to Di for " so come and say hi!!


Melissa Goodsell said...

Oooh look at him. He is SO gorgeous, that blonde hair and those blue eyes...beautiful!

Anonymous said...

O'my how gorgeous!!...did you go and see the movie?...if so how was it?


To my blog,hope you enjoy reading it!!

Please leave a comment so I know you have been here :P

Sarah x
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About Me

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Perth, Westen Australia, Australia
I am a Single Mummy to one boy Luke,who is nearly 3.I live in sunny Perth,love it here!~